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Today, we define where we want to be tomorrow

Rapid growth and an increased number of employees meant that the Tillotts Pharma AG (Tillotts) headquarters in Rheinfelden, Switzerland slowly reached the maximum capacity. Tillotts seized the opportunity and turned a need for extra office capacity into a project with the aim to redefine the way, the employees work together and at the same time develop a modern, state-of-the-art office.

In a recently published interview with the German magazine, Wirtschaftsforum, Tillotts CEO Thomas A. Tóth von Kiskér explains further about the process and the thoughts behind the projects. The idea behind developing a new office stemmed first of all from the demands of the job market with ever-increasing requirements, such as home office, from potential employees when choosing their new employer. Second of all, there is a desire within Tillotts to always look for new ways to develop the company further and take every opportunity to reflect on the way things are done.

Involving the employees in the project was of utmost importance to Thomas A. Tóth. Not just to ensure the best possible outcome by allowing the employees to voice their opinion and provide feedback, but also to give words to feelings such as insecurity and even anxiety right from the beginning. To handle the matter of employee involvement, Tillotts decided to work together with an external specialist in change management and the choice fell on Nadine Waldvogel from nw GmbH. “Topics such as desk-sharing are very emotional topics as it can be perceived as an attack on your private sphere when you are being asked to share your desk with a colleague,” says Nadine Waldvogel. “The importance of addressing such topics and feelings from the beginning cannot be underestimated.” Therefore, different workshops were setup and the results of those workshops were aligned with the desire of the management to find the best solution for all.

To read the entire interview, click here (NB! In German)

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  string(2069) "Rapid growth and an increased number of employees meant that the Tillotts Pharma AG (Tillotts) headquarters in Rheinfelden, Switzerland slowly reached the maximum capacity. Tillotts seized the opportunity and turned a need for extra office capacity into a project with the aim to redefine the way, the employees work together and at the same time develop a modern, state-of-the-art office. 

In a recently published interview with the German magazine, Wirtschaftsforum, Tillotts CEO Thomas A. Tóth von Kiskér explains further about the process and the thoughts behind the projects. The idea behind developing a new office stemmed first of all from the demands of the job market with ever-increasing requirements, such as home office, from potential employees when choosing their new employer. Second of all, there is a desire within Tillotts to always look for new ways to develop the company further and take every opportunity to reflect on the way things are done. 

Involving the employees in the project was of utmost importance to Thomas A. Tóth. Not just to ensure the best possible outcome by allowing the employees to voice their opinion and provide feedback, but also to give words to feelings such as insecurity and even anxiety right from the beginning. To handle the matter of employee involvement, Tillotts decided to work together with an external specialist in change management and the choice fell on Nadine Waldvogel from nw GmbH. “Topics such as desk-sharing are very emotional topics as it can be perceived as an attack on your private sphere when you are being asked to share your desk with a colleague,” says Nadine Waldvogel. “The importance of addressing such topics and feelings from the beginning cannot be underestimated.” Therefore, different workshops were setup and the results of those workshops were aligned with the desire of the management to find the best solution for all. 

To read the entire interview, click here (NB! In German) 
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